Friday, October 23, 2015

Political Correctness Vs. Respect

I suppose I'm a little old fashioned. I was reared in a time and place where everyone was entitled to a certain degree of dignity and respect. Females were "Ma'am" and males were "Sir", regardless of station in life.

No, not everyone was that way. But those were the exception and not the rule.

When a person said they would do something, they did it or had a damn good reason. An honest day's work earned one an honest day's pay. In short, people kept their word and paid their debts.

Today people rarely keep their word and pay their bills; not necessarily because they can't but because they just don't care.

Being polite or kind is viewed as weakness. However, everyone seems to demand respect when they, themselves, are not willing to return it in kind.

There is no respect for age, service, gender, experience nor anything else that remotely resembles manners, culture, or civilization. Religious fundamentalist's blame it on the lack of religion in society... as they disrespect, condemn, and even threaten anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do.

Political correctness has become the new standard for coercing those who cannot respect others to act with a certain level of quasi acceptable behavior. Manners for those who have none.

The simple fact is that hate has infiltrated every aspect of modern life and is mirrored everywhere one looks.

And the few of us who are still willing to show respect toward others are so beaten down by all of the disrespect and abuse we receive for our troubles that we grow weary.

I hope you weren't reading this in hope of finding an answer, because I don't have one. Society is too far gone.

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