Monday, January 4, 2016

#Affluenza Surprise

The Affluenza Kid may very well run the clock out on his extradition/deportation and thereby minimize the range of penalties available under law to slap him with for flaunting and taunting authorities with his white privilege. But if he thinks he'll get away with it, I have three words for him: #TheOJEffect.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


I'm sure most of us have had experience with stray animals. Those of us who haven't surely have known someone who has relayed a similar story as the one I'm about to relay.

Homeless, hungry, and scared. If you offer them a kindness they are sure to repay it in gratitude, love and loyalty. A dog can recognize a hardship. And a dog can recognize a kindness. They recognize that hardship comes from a cold hard life and kindness comes from the hand of a compassionate soul.

A dog will remember the hand that feeds.

Try extending a kindness to a human. More often than not, whatever they cannot steal from you and sell they will break and shit on. And they will blame you for not having the things they stole and for the shit they left on everything else.

Humans are shit.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

They're Doing It Wrong

We propose that pain intensity is not the best measure of the success of chronic-pain treatment. When pain is chronic, its intensity isn't a simple measure of something that can be easily fixed. Multiple measures of the complex causes and consequences of pain are needed to elucidate a person's pain and inform multimodal treatment. But no quantitative summary of these measures will adequately capture the burden or the meaning of chronic pain for a particular patient. For this purpose, nothing is more revealing or therapeutic than a conversation between a patient and a clinician, which allows the patient to be heard and the clinician to appreciate the patient's experiences and offer empathy, encouragement, mentorship, and hope.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Mechanics Of A Free Society

The Mechanics Of A Free Society details some of the basic organisational structures that I believe will be necessary for living in a money-free world. I felt that such a document was missing from the various different groups and thinktanks out there, most of whom invest much of their energy discussing mechanization and cybernation. It is my view that there are more pressing and practical things that need to be understood relating to our own social behaviour.

I think such a document may also have value in helping people who have doubts about our shared vision to make that all important leap from the impossible to the possible. :)

I hope you find it useful. If you do, please feel free to share it around.

Here's the PDF:

and it's also on the Freeworlder Blog too:

Saturday, November 14, 2015

You Might Not Need A Twitter Account

If you don't understand how Twitter works, You Might Not Need A Twitter Account. If you think #followfriday (#ff) is "spam", then you don't understand how Twitter works. If your default reaction to receiving recognition from Twitter Community members in the form of a mention or a shout out is to attack people with juvenile and/or vulgar name calling, then you don't understand how Twitter works, might not need a Twitter account, and likely need medication and therapy.

If you are so antisocial and sensitive that a simple shout out provokes you to violence and you really don't understand how to use the control settings of mute, block, or private account then you really don't need a Twitter account. Hell, if you're THAT antisocial, what are you doing with ANY social media account?

I tire of the hate and dysfunction of this world.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Respect Your Elders

Before you go disrespecting me, keep in mind that I probably own computers that are older and work better than you.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

News To Congress

Here is some food for thought.

To legislators who believe that the system is broken and should be done differently:

It's not the system. It has worked for over two centuries!

It's the money that you accept for favors and special treatment of a select few that has distorted the system.

So, if you want to fix the system, change the way you behave within that system.

It is not the system that is broken. It is YOU!